To enter this website you must be 21 years of age or older. By entering this website, you agree that you are of legal age. If you aren't legally eligible to purchase tobacco products in the state you live in, please do not enter this site.
At BC smoke shop, we know everyone wants their products as soon as possible, and we take that very seriously. We like to ship products the same day of purchase if purchased early enough, but if not, then the very next day. Extremely rare cases might force us to ship 2 days after purchase, but we will let you know ahead of time. However, we cannot guarantee the expected delivery date once it's out of our hands. Most items will be sent with a signature confirmation, so be sure to have someone home to sign for the package. This ensures the box doesn't end up in the wrong hands. We do not refund or credit shipping charges for any shipments. BC smoke shop is not responsible for packages lost or damaged by shipping carriers.